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How come this game doesn't have any rule 34 of it?


This is way more thought out and funny than I expected despite first impressions, lol! Couple of weird hiccups like not being able to search some objects if too close and getting booted to the title screen if you pick a seemingly invisible answer, but even that it minor as it still seems to remember where you left off despite hitting new game.


how do i play on chrome book, can i?


Amazing game, 10/10 would play again just for the writing

Fantastic game, astounding writing, magnificent story


this game looks incredible and i want to play it so bad but when i download it, it doesn't let me play? it shows up as a zip file and i have no idea how to get it to work? 


Assuming you're using Windows:

Once you download it, right click and select "extract files". It will prompt you to pick a place to extract to, and it's recommended that you don't rabbit hole too far down your files when doing so (e.g., stick with a folder, rather than a folder within a folder within a folder, etc.). Once it's complete, navigate to wherever you chose and open the folder, then run "Criminalintent.exe". If windows defender blocks it, select "more info" at the top, which will reveal a "run anyway" button at the bottom.

That works! thank you so much :)

It says that there's folders with the same name or something, and it's not extracting

Hey. Are you and your team still around by any chance?


funniest fucking game ever 

What are the steps to get the game to play on windows?

it won't let me download the game for free, is it even free?

(1 edit)

It asks for a voluntary price. Just put $0.

edit: Sorry, haven't downloaded in a while. There's a link on the popup that says "No thanks, just take me to the downloads." Click that link.

even when I download it, I can't open the game and play

Do you have a discord server?

I love the novelty of this game! 

Hey FloTeam. Are you still around? Like... do you have a Discord server? Part of me is considering an alternate (if non-canon) ending to Creature Street.

Hello! I really like this game and I'm just starting out with Unity, would it be okay if I created a game building off of this one (with the same characters + original characters) if I credit you for the original designs and don't monetize my work? I really like your game a lot! Thanks ^w^


NOSSA,só eu que achei esse jogo parecido com outro



Creature street is pure gold. I will play this game until my bones rot away from the earth and i will admire everything about it.


thank you, user "ilikemenwithtastycocks"


(1 edit)

This game was a ride. Absolutely loved all the little references and details paying homage to how ridiculous Animal Crossing can be. Even very small things like having to talk to the villagers multiple times to get something out of them LOL
My roommates from college and I were separated due to the COVID-19 pandemic so we've decided to play games together. And we all love Animal Crossing, so Creature Street was the obvious choice. Here is our enlightening experience

Sorry to ask about this, i really want to play this amazing game, however, will it be available for chromebook download?


Unfortunately, no. Sorry!


no offense but i wish someone had told me this was a 5 minute game w only 2 possible endings! I was very excited to finally play it bc of all the hype but it was very disappointing. Super cute and funny tho! 


Yeah, sorry. This was just a game jam game that blew up in the last few weeks. We're working on taking the idea and turning it into a full game, though!

All the hype? Are you sure you aren't mistaking this for Animal Crossing (New Horizons) for the Nintendo Switch?


Animal crossing is shit. This is much better.

Lmao love the confidence bb


Lol I stand by what I said 

I wasn't being facetious, lol, I love it


This game was both funny and fun, I enjoyed the little details surrounding how dumb each suspect is, and how taking the time to find all the evidence can lead to another ending. Never played Animal Crossing before, hope it is 100% just like this 

Not only was this so wonderfully done but the fact you played into the complexities of AI following their loops, leading you to believe they are unaware of how terrible Boner actually was but then... were they aware? SO well done. Loved it.

Wasn't prepared for the names! Put a smile on my face and I liked the idea behind it, would love a more full featured follow up!

It was an amazing game! I loved every minute of it and all of the little details <3 Now that I finished it my life is empty :(((

Deleted 225 days ago

Good news! But it's gonna take a while

Deleted 225 days ago

bruh you just make a knock-off of animal crossing or broken version


lol u got me dude

call the nintendo police

Animal crossing is horrible anyway. This game is much better. 10 thumbs up

I really loved the game! Left me gobsmacked at the name of the town and the mayor!


Sorry but this game wasn't even funny :( I had high hopes but the gameplay was legit 5 minutes long


Apology accepted


This game is really funny! I’ve been laughing my ass off the entire game. Thank you for making such a horrifying and wonderful parody on Animal Crossing. I had a a lot of fun playing it!

when i tried opening this game on my mac i got an error saying

'MACCreatureStreet' cannot be opened because the developer cannot be verified 

im using macOS catalina

i dont know how to open the game up to actually play i

Stealing beub's answer from below (thank you beub):

Assuming you're using Windows:

Once you download it, right click and select "extract files". It will prompt you to pick a place to extract to, and it's recommended that you don't rabbit hole too far down your files when doing so (e.g., stick with a folder, rather than a folder within a folder within a folder, etc.). Once it's complete, navigate to wherever you chose and open the folder, then run "Criminalintent.exe". If windows defender blocks it, select "more info" at the top, which will reveal a "run anyway" button at the bottom.


This game was really interesting I loved it! 

When i try and make the screen bigger with Ultra quality it doesnt show the background 


hey so I can't find an .exe file anywhere???? I've re downloaded it 3 times and it still just won't work. I've extracted it to my games folder and everything, but whenever i try to run it, it does a little loading screen thing with an exclamation mark or smth and then just never opens. Help????

Unfortunately, I don't know how to troubleshoot this.

The only suggestion I have is to extract the game to a shorter directory path. Something like C:\Games\CreatureStreet instead of C:\users\yourname\downloads\chrome\creaturestreet or wherever you may have put it

Hi! I just played the game but when I talked to Isadore after interviewing everyone, the list of options was just a stack of about 8 empty "choices". I picked one blindly - turned out to be Dwight. I tried talking to Isadore a few times but got the same issue. I'm running the Windows version on Windows 10.

This is a side-effect of the game being developed very quickly and using a third-party asset without the proper time to test everything. I'm not sure how to reproduce it, though I've seen it happen in youtube playthroughs so I know that it happens.

When you pick an option, are you clicking with the mouse or using the arrow keys and E to select?

I tried with both keyboard and mouse, but the same effect happens either way. I saw that other people were having success picking the right option, so I wasn't sure if it was an error on my part or not.

Will you be making a version of Creature Street for Linux?? I want to play but I unfortunately can't

Unfortunately, I don't think we will. Sorry!

hi, I downloaded it for windows. How do I play it?

Stealing beub's answer from below (thank you beub):

Once you download it, right click and select "extract files". It will prompt you to pick a place to extract to, and it's recommended that you don't rabbit hole too far down your files when doing so (e.g., stick with a folder, rather than a folder within a folder within a folder, etc.). Once it's complete, navigate to wherever you chose and open the folder, then run "Criminalintent.exe". If windows defender blocks it, select "more info" at the top, which will reveal a "run anyway" button at the bottom.

I cant find the criminalintent.exe file

Windows or Mac? Are you sure you downloaded the correct version?

Did you extract the .zip file? (right-click the .zip file, select "extract all" and choose a location for it) The .exe should be wherever it was extracted to.

Windows, and yes I did download the correct version. I extracted the zip file in Creature Street - bugfix (I think that’s what it was called) 

After extracting, the folder had two folders (Criminal intent_data and Mono), two applications (Criminal Intent and UnityCrashHandler64), and one Application extension (UnityPlayer.dll) 

After searching high and low for a .exe file and failing, I decided to try the Criminal Intent application. It seemed like that was the right one, but it said that it may depend on other compressed files and that I needed to extract all of them before it would work. Even though I had already extracted it, I pressed Extract All just in case. Once it was done I got the same warning again. 

(Sorry if this is too much detail, I just have no idea what I’m doing lol)


Okay scratch all that I just redownloaded it and it’s working now

Ok, great! That was my next suggestion.



First, I would like to say that I am not easily focused on games. But by god this one... this one was the BEST I have EVER played ! It got me focused, I felt... All the emotions in the game. The stress of finding out who and why... 

I really doesn't regret downloading the game, and I could never be more thankful for it. It has magic in it, it has a potential... I just absolutely love it. 10/10. Very much Gucci, does slap, yes please.

I want this for android pls

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